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How to Install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 22.04

Notepad++ is one of the most used application by Windows users. We can say it’s most advanced version of notepad which includes a large number of options. In this guide, we will show you how to install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 22.04.

Generally, the Linux users would like to use the command line editors such as nano and vim. But if you are not familiar with command line editor then GUI based Notepad++ editor is best choice.


You should logged in as root or user account having the sudo privileges.

Install Notepad++ on Ubuntu

Basically, the Notepad++ editor is built for Windows and written in C++. Currently a native version of Notepad++ is not available for Linux. So we will install the Notepad++ via snap package.

Step 1 – Update System

First of all, update your system by typing:

sudo apt update && upgrade -y

Step 2 – Install Notepad++

Using the WINE platform we can use the Windows application on Unix-like operating systems. Notepad++ is also relied on the WINE platform.

Now, we will use the snap package manager to install Notepad++. By default, it will also install all the required dependency packages.

You have to run the following command to install the Notepad++ on Ubuntu:

sudo snap install notepad-plus-plus

It will show output something like below:

notepad-plus-plus 8.4.6 from Taqu Raza (mmtrt) installed

Step 3 – Launch Notepad++

To launch Notepad++ click on Activities and type Notepad++ in search box. You will see an icon for Notepad++, click on it to launch. If you are familiar with command line you can open by typing notepad-plus-plus on your terminal.

It will open the Notepad++ like below.

Uninstall Notepad++

If you want to uninstall the Notepad++ from your systems, you can remove snap package anytime. You would run the below command:

sudo snap remove notepad-plus-plus


In this tutorial, you have successfully learned how to install Notepad++ on Ubuntu 22.04 system using snap package manager.

If you have any question of feedback, please leave a comment below.

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