When dealing with files in directories in Python, it is always a good idea to use absolute paths. However, if you are working with relative paths you’ll need to understand the concept of current working directory and how to find or change the current working directory. An absolute path specifies a file or directory location
Tutorial - Page 15 of 36 - DesignLinux
Date Command in Linux
In Linux, the date command is used to get or set the system date. It is used to print the date and time in different formats and calculate future and past dates. This tutorial explains the basics of the date command. Using the Linux date Command# Following is the basic syntax for the date command:
How to List Cron Jobs in Linux
Cron is a scheduling daemon, used to schedule the execution of any tasks at specified time intervals. Such tasks (cron jobs) can be schedule to run at every minute, 5 minute, hour, day of the month, day of week, etc. Generally, cron jobs are used to perform repeated tasks, such as to backup databases, clearing
Pkill Command in Linux
The pkill is a command-line utility, used to send signals to the processes of a running program. The processes can be specified by their names, by a user name, or other attributes. In this article we will discuss about pkill command in Linux. By default the pkill command comes pre-installed as a part of the
How to Install Slack on CentOS 8
Slack is a widely used and popular platform for messaging and collaboration service. It’s much easier to use Slack straight and organize channels. You can make channels for you coworkers, projects, topics or any other purpose to keep conversations proper and organized. It also allows you audio and video calls as well as sharing of
Wall command in Linux
wall is a command-line utility that displays a message on the terminals of all logged-in users. The messages can be either typed on the terminal or the contents of a file. wall stands for write all, to send a message only to a specific user use the write command. Usually, system administrators send messages to
Df Command in Linux (Check Disk Space)
In Linux, the df command is used to get the information about the disk space usage. This guide explains how to use the df command with different formats. Use of df Command# Below is the basic syntax for the df command: df [OPTIONS]… FILESYSTEM… If you invoke the df command without any arguments, it will
BackUp and Restore MySQL/MariaDB Database
The mysqldump is a utility used to backup and restore MySQL or MariaDB database using command line. It is creating a set of SQL statements while taking backup and those are used while restoring. In this tutorial we will show you how to backup and restore MySQL or MariaDB databases from the command line using
Modprobe Command in Linux
The Linux kernel is managing the computer resources and work as the bridge between your computer’s hardware and software. It is the core component in the Linux operating system. The Linux kernel has a modular design and need to add and remove modules. In this article, we’ll explain how to use modprobe to add and
Pidof Command in Linux
The pidof is a command-line tool used to find the process ID of a running program. This article shows you how to use the pidof command in Linux. How to Use the pidof Command# pidof is implemented differently on Red Hat and Debian based distributions. On Debian, sysvinit-utils package includes it while on Red Hat