Slack is one of the most popular collaboration platforms in the world that brings all your communication together. Conversations in Slack are organized in channels. You can create channels for your teams, projects, topics, or any other purpose. You can search through everything that’s been posted in channels or your messages. Slack also allows you
Tutorial - Page 16 of 36 - DesignLinux
Bash Exit Command and Exit Code
In this article, we will discuss about the Bash exit built-in command and the exit code of the executed commands. Generally, at the time of writing Bash scripts, you will need to terminate the script when a certain condition is met or to take action based on the exit code of a command. Exit Status#
Pgrep Command in Linux
The pgrep is a command-line utility used to find the process IDs of a running application. It’s inlcuded in procps package and pre-installed on most of the Linux distributions. The process name can be full or partial, which running by a user or other attributes. This article we will discuss the basics of the Linux
Heartbleed Still Found in the Wild: Did You Know That You May Be Vulnerable?
It’s been six years since Heartbleed was first discovered, and the OpenSSL vulnerability can still be found and exploited across the internet. As a matter of fact, 19% of global attacks target the OpenSSL Heartbleed vulnerability due to the volume of unpatched public-facing servers. Whether it’s from poor scanning or fear of rebooting production servers,
How to Find the Length of a List in Python
In Python, lists are the mostly used data type to store collections of the same type data. This guide shows you how to find the length of a list in Python. len() Function# The len() function is a built-in function of Python, used to get the length of a specified object. It can be a
How to Kill a Process in Linux Systems
Sometimes, in your system some applications becomes unresponsive and unexpectedly crashes. Even after starting again it will not work because of the application process not shuts down completely. In such situation, you need to stop or terminate the process or kill the application process. In Linux, you can kill the process using multiple ways. This
How to Find the Length of a List in Python
Lists are one of the most commonly used data types in Python and are used to store collections of items of the same type. This article shows how to find the length of a list. len() Function # Python has a built-in function len() that returns the length of a given object. The object can
How to Mount Windows Share on Linux using CIFS
On Linux or UNIX OS, you can mount a Windows share on a specific point in the local directory tree using mount command with the cifs option. The Common Internet File System (CIFS) is a network file-sharing protocol. CIFS is a form of SMB. This tutorial explains how to mount Windows share on Linux systems.
Fsck Command in Linux (Repair File System)
The fsck command is used to check perform consistency and repair Linux file systems. It is useful to repair corrupted file systems when system fails to boot, or a partition cannot be mounted. We will discuss about the fsck command in this article. Make sure you are logged in with root or user with sudo
History Command in Linux (Bash History)
When you are working with terminal for long time, you need some of commands repeatedly. It would be easier if you can view the history of previously used command on your command line. In this article, we will discuss about history command, using that you can view the previously executed commands. Use the history Command#