Atom is an open-source, cross-platform code editor developed by GitHub. It has a built-in package manager, embedded Git control, smart autocompletion, syntax highlighting, and multiple panes. Under the hood Atom is a desktop application built on Electron using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js . This guide shows two ways of installing Atom on Ubuntu 20.04.
Tutorial - Page 20 of 36 - DesignLinux
How to Start, Stop, or Restart Apache Service
Apache is cross-platform and open-source Web server. It is part of the popular LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack of software. This guide will show you how to start, stop, and restart Apache service on Linux systems. It comes loaded with powerful features and can be further extended with a wide variety of modules. The
How to Install Apache Cassandra on CentOS 8
Apache Cassandra is an open-source NoSQL database system with high availability and without compromising performance. It is used by many large companies like Github, NetFlix, Reddit and Instagram. In this described how to install Apache Cassandra on CentOS 8. Prerequisites# You should logged in as root or user with sudo privileges. Step 1 – Install
Whoami Command in Linux
The whoami command will prints the user name of the currently logged-in user. In this article we will show you how to use the whoami command in linux. Use of whoami Command# Following is the basic syntax for the whoami command: whoami [OPTION] To know the user who is currently logged on the system, run
How to Install Postman on Ubuntu 20.04
Postman is one of the popular API development platform. It is useful for building and manage your API development environment, from designing to publishing and testing. Currently, the Postman Chrome apps has been deprecated. In this tutorial we will show you how to install Postman on Ubuntu 20.04 system. Prerequisite# Ensure that you are logged
Python List reverse
When working with lists in Python, you may sometimes need to reverse the elements of a list. Reversing a list means that the first element of the list becomes the last, the second become second-to-last, the last element becomes the first, and so on. In Python, there are several different ways to reverse a list,
How to Install Memcached on Debian 10
Memcached is an open-source, free and high-performance in-memory caching system. Generally, it’s used to speed up web applications by caching large volumes of data in memory from page load requests or API calls. This article explains how to install and configure Memcached on Debian 10. Install Memcached on Debian# The standard Debian repositories includes the
How to Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu 20.04
Apache Cassandra is an open-source NoSQL database system with high availability and without compromising performance. It is used by many large companies like Github, NetFlix, Reddit and Instagram. In this described how to install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu 20.04. Prerequisites# You should logged in as root or user with sudo privileges. Step 1 – Install
How to Install Slack on Ubuntu 20.04
Slack is one of the most popular collaboration platforms in the world that brings all your communication together. Conversations in Slack are organized in channels. You can create channels for your teams, projects, topics, or any other purpose. You can search through everything that’s been posted in channels or your messages. Slack also allows you
How to Create and List Local and Remote Git Branches
In Git, a branch is simply a lightweight movable pointer to commits and a part of development process. At the time of development the developers are creating a new branch that later can be merged in to the production codebase. In this article we will show you how to create and list local and remote