Using umask utility, you can view or set the file mode creation mask that determines permissions for newly created files or directories.It is used by mkdir, touch, tee and other commands that create new files and directories. Linux Permissions# In Linux, every file have it’s owner and a group and given a set of permission
Tutorial - Page 22 of 36 - DesignLinux
How to Install Memcached on Debian 10
Memcached is a free and open-source high-performance in-memory key-value data store. It is generally used to speed up applications by caching various objects from the results of API and database calls. This article shows how to install and configure Memcached on Debian 10. Prerequisites # You’ll need to be logged in as a user with
Pstree Command in Linux
In this article we will discuss about pstree command. On Linux machine, sometimes you need to check which services processes are currently running. You can find out information about the running processes by multiple ways using different commands. The pstree command is similar to ps, but instead of listing the running processes, it shows them
How to Install Nagios on Ubuntu 20.04
Nagios is the most widely used open-source monitoring system to monitor the networks, servers, services and applications which are running on Windows and Linux operating systems. It will notify alerts on failure or suboptimal performance. In this article we will learn how to install Nagios on Ubuntu 20.04. Step 1 – Prerequisites# You must logged
How to Install Postman on Ubuntu 20.04
Postman is a complete API development platform that helps you manage your APIs in every stage of development, from designing and testing, to publishing API documentation and monitoring. Postman started as a Chrome browser extension and quickly became one of the most widely used API tools by developers all over the world. Postman is available
How to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 20.04
Jenkins is an open-source automation server. It’s a continuous integration tool that offers number of plugins for building deployments and automation for your applications. This also helps to automate the repetitive tasks involved in the software development process. This tutorial will show you how to install Jenkins on Ubuntu 20.04. Step 1 – Prerequisites# You
How to Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu 20.04
Apache Cassandra is a free and open-source NoSQL database with no single point of failure. It provides linear scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Apache Cassandra is used by many companies that have large, active data sets, including Reddit, NetFlix, Instagram, and Github. This article guides you through the installation of Apache Cassandra on
Bash Source Command
The source is a shell built-in command which is used to read and execute the content of a file, passed as an argument in the current shell script. It is useful to load functions, variables, and configuration files into shell scripts. Source Command Syntax# The following is the basic syntax for the Source Command: source
How to Install Tor Browser on Ubuntu 20.04
Tor Browser is a customized version of Firefox that routes the web traffic through the Tor network, making it private and anonymous. When you browse the Internet with the Tor Browser, the connection to the website you are viewing is encrypted and protected from network surveillance and traffic analysis. However, using Tor Browser comes with
How to Run Sudo Command Without Password
The sudo (sudouser do) command is a tool in Linux systems, used to run commands or programs as another user, by default as root user. If you doing administration task then you need to use sudo frequently. This article show you how to run sudo command without entering password. To grant the sudo access to