R is an open-source, widely used for developing statistical software and performing data analysis. It is supported by the R Foundation. This tutorial explains how to install R on Debian 10 Buster. Prerequisites# You should logged in as root or user account with sudo privileges. Debian 10 system should have atleast 1 GB of RAM.
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How to Enable SSH on Ubuntu 20.04
Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol used for a secure connection between a client and a server. Each interaction between the server and a client is encrypted. This tutorial explains how to enable SSH on an Ubuntu machine. Enabling SSH will allow you to connect to your system remotely and perform administrative tasks. You’ll
How to Install Xrdp Server (Remote Desktop) on Debian 10
Xrdp is an open-source implementation of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. It allows you to graphically control a remote machine. Using Xrdp, you can login to remote machine same as Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Xrdp (Remote Desktop) on Debian 10 system. Prerequisites#
How to Mount and Unmount File Systems in Linux
The mount command mounts (attach) file systems or a storage device and makes it accessible in the existing directory tree. While the umount command detaches the mounted file system from the directory structure. In this tutorial, you will learn how to attach and detach file systems using the mount and umount commands. List Mounted File
Bash printf Command
Typically, when writing bash scripts, we use echo to print to the standard output. echo is a simple command but is limited in its capabilities.To have more control over the formatting of the output, use the printf command. The printf command formats and prints its arguments, similar to the C printf() function. printf Command #
Lsmod Command in Linux (List Kernel Modules)
lsmod command is used to display the information of loaded modules in the Linux kernel. Linux kernel modules are system-level software that can be used directly by operating system kernel. Kernel modules# The Linux kernel is the core component of Linux operating systems. It manages the system’s resources, and communication between your computer’s hardware and
How to Install R on Ubuntu 20.04
R is an open-source, widely used for developing statistical software and performing data analysis. It is supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. This tutorial explains how to install R on Ubuntu 20.04. Prerequisites# You should logged in as root or user account with sudo privileges. Ubuntu 20.04 system should have at least 1
Uname Command in Linux
Uname command is used to display basic information about the operating system and hardware. In addition, you can use options with uname to print kernel details and system architecture. uname Command# uname is the short name for “UNIX name”. This command works on all Linux and Unix like operating systems. Mostly, it is used to
How to Install OpenCV on Debian 10 Linux
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision library with bindings for C++, Python, and Java and supports all major operating systems. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install OpenCV on Debian 10 system. OpenCV can be deployed on various platforms, including Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. The
How to Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 20.04
VirtualBox is open-source cross-platform virtualization software that allows you to run multiple guest operating systems (virtual machines) simultaneously. Generally, Virtualbox is used by desktop users as a testing and development environment. In this tutorial, we will show you two ways to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 20.04: From the standard Ubuntu repositories. From the Oracle repositories.