Python is the fastest-growing major general-purpose programming language. There are a number of reasons attributed to this, such as its readability and flexibility, ease to learn and use, reliability, and efficiency as well. There are two major Python versions being used – 2 and 3 (the present and future of Python); the former will see
Ubuntu - DesignLinux
How to Synchronize Time with Chrony NTP in Linux
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol used to synchronize computer system clocks automatically over a network. The machine can have the system clock use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) rather than local time. Maintaining accurate time on Linux systems, especially servers is an important task for many reasons. For example, in a networked environment,
Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 LTS
Having written a few top things in the past for Ubuntu systems, it’s that time of the year again for us to revisit the subject of some of the ideal things you need to do in order to successfully configure your Ubuntu operating system for optimal use. For the uninitiated, Ubuntu is a family of
How to Install Zabbix on RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu
Zabbix is an Open Source, high-level enterprise software designed to monitor and keep track of networks, servers, and applications in real-time. Build in a server-client model, Zabbix can collect different types of data that are used to create historical graphics and output performance or load trends of the monitored targets. The server has the ability
How to Write a Mobile-Friendly App Using JQuery & Bootstrap
In Part 1 of this series, we set up a basic HTML 5 project using Netbeans as our IDE, and we also presented a few elements that have been added in this new specification of the language. [ You might also like: 27 Best IDEs for C/C++ Programming or Source Code Editors on Linux ]
How to Create a Basic HTML5 Project in Ubuntu Using Netbeans
In this 4-article mobile web development series, we will walk you through setting up Netbeans as an IDE (also known as Integrated Development Environment) in Ubuntu to start developing mobile-friendly and responsive HTML5 web applications. Following are the 4-article series about HTML5 Mobile Web Development: Part 1: How to Create a Basic HTML5 Project in
How to Install KDE Plasma in Linux Desktop
KDE is a well-known desktop environment for Unix-like systems designed for users who wants to have a nice desktop environment for their machines, It is one of the most used desktop interfaces out there. [ You might also like: 10 Best and Most Popular Linux Desktop Environments of All Time ] In the past few
How to Install Ubuntu Alongside With Windows in Dual-Boot
This tutorial will guide you on how you can perform the installation of Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 19.04, Ubuntu 18.10, or Ubuntu 18.04 in dual-boot with a Microsoft Operating System on machines that come pre-installed with Windows 10. This guide assumes that your machine comes pre-installed with Windows 10 OS or an older version of Microsoft
How to Install Akaunting Accounting Software on Ubuntu 20.04
Written in PHP, Akaunting is a feature-rich and open-source online accounting software that allows users to manage finances and keep track of all the invoices, payments, and expenses, to mention just but a few of the financial-related tasks. It’s an ideal online accounting platform for small businesses that do not have the financial wherewithal to
How to Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors in Linux
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is an open-source office suite that is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS users. Freely distributed under the terms of AGPLv3, it combines three editors for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations that are natively compatible with the Microsoft Office formats (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX). [ You might also like: 13 Most Used Microsoft