Written in C, MySQL is an open-source, cross-platform, and one of the most widely used Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS). It’s an integral part of the LAMP stack and is a popular database management system in web hosting, data analytics, and eCommerce applications to mention a few. The current stable release is MySQL 8.0.25 and
Rocky Linux Tips - DesignLinux
How to Install Docker on Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux
Docker is a hugely popular containerization platform tool that allows users to develop, test and deploy applications in a smooth and efficient manner inside containers. A container is a lightweight and portable unit that runs in complete isolation from the underlying operating system. It packages the application’s source code, alongside its libraries, dependencies, and configuration.
Secure Apache with Let’s Encrypt Certificate on Rocky Linux
In our previous guide, we walked you through the installation of the LAMP stack on Rocky Linux and further proceeded to configure Apache virtual hosts in case you need to host multiple websites on a single server. But it doesn’t just end there. Website security is now one of the greatest concerns across most organizations
How to Install MongoDB on Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux
MongoDB is a high-performance, highly scalable document-oriented NoSQL database that is designed to handle high traffic and huge volumes of data. Unlike in SQL databases where data is stored in rows and columns inside tables, in MongoDB, data is structured in JSON-like format inside records which are referred to as documents. Thanks to its schema-less
How to Configure Apache Virtual Hosts on Rocky Linux
This is an optional step intended only for those who wish to host multiple sites on the same server. So far, our LAMP setup can only host one site. If you wish to host multiple sites, then you need to set up or configure virtual host files. Apache virtual host files encapsulate the configurations of
How to Install Java 16 in Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux
Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented, and multipurpose programming language that is primarily used for creating mobile, web, and cloud applications. Additionally, you can use Java to create games, chatbots, enterprise applications, and a whole lot more. To develop Java applications, you need to install an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). IntelliJ IDEA is a perfect example
How to Install MariaDB Server on Rocky Linux 8
MariaDB is a free and community-developed relational database system that is a compatible drop-in replacement for the hugely popular MySQL database management system. It was forked from MySQL after the original developers of MySQL expressed their misgivings with the acquisition of MySQL by Oracle. Since then, MariaDB is guaranteed to remain free and open source
How to Install LAMP Stack on Rocky Linux 8
LAMP is a popular stack used in development circles for hosting both static and dynamic web applications. It’s an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL (or MariaDB) & PHP. Notably, it comprises the Apache web server, MySQL or MariaDB database server, and PHP. [ You might also like: How to Install LEMP Stack on Rocky Linux
How to Install NodeJS 14 / 16 & NPM on Rocky Linux 8
Built on Chrome’s V8 engine, Node.JS is open-source, and event-driven Javascript runtime that is designed to build scalable applications and backend APIs. NodeJS is lightweight and efficient, thanks to its non-blocking I/O model and event-driven architecture. This makes it a perfect choice for handling data-intensive real-time applications. It is cross-platform and totally free to download
How to Install PHP 7.4 on Rocky Linux 8
A recursive acronym for PHP HyperText Preprocessor, PHP is an open-source and widely used server-side scripting language for developing static and dynamic websites. It is the core of most blogging systems such as WordPress, Drupal, Magento, and business platforms such as Akaunting. PHP 7.x came into the picture in 2015 with the release of PHP